~ # journalctl -b -1 --no-pager
-- Logs begin at Tue 2025-02-18 17:17:18 UTC, end at Tue 2025-02-18 17:36:17 UTC. --
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ufshpb_create_sysfs:4882 ufshpb_lu0 sysfs attr creates: rsp_list_count
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ufshpb_create_sysfs:4882 ufshpb_lu0 sysfs attr creates: hpb_version
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ufshpb_create_sysfs:4882 ufshpb_lu0 sysfs attr creates: hit_count
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ufshpb_create_sysfs:4882 ufshpb_lu0 sysfs attr creates: miss_count
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ufshpb_create_sysfs:4882 ufshpb_lu0 sysfs attr creates: map_req_count
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ufshpb_create_sysfs:4882 ufshpb_lu0 sysfs attr creates: pre_req_count
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ufshpb_create_sysfs:4882 ufshpb_lu0 sysfs attr creates: rt_req_count
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ufshpb_create_sysfs:4882 ufshpb_lu0 sysfs attr creates: region_stat_count
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ufshpb_create_sysfs:4882 ufshpb_lu0 sysfs attr creates: count_reset
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ufshpb_create_sysfs:4882 ufshpb_lu0 sysfs attr creates: get_info_from_lba
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ufshpb_create_sysfs:4882 ufshpb_lu0 sysfs attr creates: get_info_from_region
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ufshpb_create_sysfs:4882 ufshpb_lu0 sysfs attr creates: release
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ufshpb_create_sysfs:4886 ufshpb_lu0 sysfs adds uevent
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ufshpb_init:3775 UFSHPB LU 0 working
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_debug_work_func: a96t3x6_debug_work_func - hall is closed -1 1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_grip_sw_reset:
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_check_diff_and_cap: Cap Read 8010
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_diff_getdata: 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_check_diff_and_cap: Cap Read 8010
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_diff_getdata: 1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_check_diff_and_cap: Cap Read 8010
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_diff_getdata: 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=640mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=313mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=313mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=640mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(300), Temp-ADC(1765)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(300), Temp-ADC(1778)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(314), Temp-ADC(1686)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(300), Temp-ADC(1764)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (300, 0x1e00)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=313mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(543)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.3), raw_soc(54.3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5434)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39827500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3910mV),Vavg(3888mV),Inow(640mA),Iavg(313mA),Isysavg(294mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(300),Tusb(300),Tchg(314),Twpc(300),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03ech,3658h,5fb4h,1e00h,c384h,0334h,0191h,0001h,3b2ah,379ah,0403h,0738h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,051bh,0148h,1df3h,ed91h,0708h,c271h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0403h,0000h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1df3h,7fcah,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,47bbh,382ch,1000h,ffffh,1da9h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,0191h,1680h,1008h,4241h,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,0842h,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,02bdh,6649h,2240h,03d3h,0605h,4167h,3e3bh,733bh,0739h,0000h,620eh,0002h,2a48h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0310h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,18c8h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0001h,ffffh,378ah,0402h,0b3eh,0004h,0012h,06c8h,2a2ch,fff0h,0000h,0000h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,207bh,0000h,0000h,f404h,3fe5h,5382h,00d2h,c14eh,0027h,2910h,c35eh,386dh,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8532
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 543, T: 8542, avg: 313, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8602 sec, passed time: 0, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 793mA, vbyp: 4612mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 30/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=539mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=317mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=539mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=317mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 2739 4 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 1168 2 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 0 0 0 114 1 0 > 02-18 17:21:37.731535
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 237 2 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=625mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=505mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3911)mV, data(0xc394)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=505mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=625mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(300), Temp-ADC(1766)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(300), Temp-ADC(1778)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(316), Temp-ADC(1680)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(300), Temp-ADC(1766)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (300, 0x1e00)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=505mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(543)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.3), raw_soc(54.3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5437)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39830000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3911mV),Vavg(3893mV),Inow(625mA),Iavg(505mA),Isysavg(274mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(300),Tusb(300),Tchg(316),Twpc(300),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03edh,3661h,5fb4h,1e00h,c394h,0320h,0287h,0000h,3b34h,3791h,0403h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,051fh,0148h,1df4h,ed91h,0708h,c2a7h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0403h,0000h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1df4h,7fcah,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,49cch,399ch,1000h,ffffh,1da9h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,0287h,1680h,1008h,427bh,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,0818h,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,0274h,6649h,2240h,03d9h,073bh,4167h,3e3ch,2b1ah,0739h,0000h,622ah,0002h,2a45h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,01dch,0204h,1d02h,0000h,18a8h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0001h,ffffh,378ah,0402h,0733h,f8fbh,e975h,3fe5h,dd14h,19f5h,19f5h,000bh,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,208ch,0000h,0000h,f90dh,3fe5h,538dh,00f0h,c150h,0027h,2910h,c378h,38c0h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8532
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 543, T: 8542, avg: 505, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8602 sec, passed time: 0, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 786mA, vbyp: 4603mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: swelling highblock(420), highrecov(400)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_float_voltage: battery cv reg : 0x16, float voltage val : 4380
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: status(1), swell_mode(0:0:0), cv(4380)mV, temp(300)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_fullcharged_check: Charging Mode : Normal
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_set_current_event: current event before(0x8004), after(0x8000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : EXPIRED_TIME(10800000), IP(4000000), CP(13797000), CURR(821), STANDARD(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : CAL_EXPIRED_TIME(41437271) TIME NOW(34) TIME PREV(3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : REMAIN_TIME(10791920) CAL_REMAIN_TIME(41406271)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_mix_temp: mix_limit(0), temp(300), chg_temp(316), input_current(800)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_charging_current_by_siop: incurr(800), chgcurr(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_step: st1(380), st2(900), recv_st1(370), recv_st2(380), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: force_check(1), ret(50), lcd(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: cable_type(4), lrp_step(0), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_direct_chg_set_input_current: called(800mA)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [max77705_set_input_current] REG(0xc0) DATA(0x1f), CURRENT(800)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_direct_chg_set_charging_current: called(3150mA)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [max77705_set_charge_current] REG(0xb9) DATA(0x3f), CURRENT(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_set_charging_current: power(4000), input(800), charge(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 10/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=614mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=505mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=614mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=505mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 318 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:21:42.924480
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: main_micbias_1p8: disabling
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sub_micbias_1p8: disabling
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: 3rd_micbias_1p8: disabling
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: elvss: disabling
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_ts 7-0048: [sec_input]mode:0202 tc:0 noise:00 ext_n:0 wet:0 wc:0(0) lp:(0) fod:0 D0F000 fn:0061/0061 ED:0 // v:0034 cal:A2(FF) C63T0030.OUTS.L Cal_flag:Success fail_cnt:0 // sip:0 id(0,0) tmp(30) d-irq:0 // #2 2
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: MIGOV: running=0, mode=0, running_event=3
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [Exynos][NPU][NOTICE]: NPU:[*]npu_check_qos_dsp_min(77):not correlated to DSP : type 0 max_freq (dsp 0, npu 0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=584mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39830000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(176mA),ISYSAVG(265mA),VSYS(3934mV),IIN(784mA),VBYP(4599mV),QH(39830000 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=584mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=585mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(300), Temp-ADC(1768)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(300), Temp-ADC(1779)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(316), Temp-ADC(1679)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(300), Temp-ADC(1767)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (300, 0x1e00)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3917)mV, data(0xc3de)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=585mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(544)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.4), raw_soc(54.4)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5441)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39830000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3917mV),Vavg(3896mV),Inow(721mA),Iavg(584mA),Isysavg(264mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(300),Tusb(300),Tchg(316),Twpc(300),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03edh,366bh,5fb4h,1e00h,c3deh,039ch,02eeh,0000h,3b3dh,37a0h,0404h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,0523h,0148h,1df5h,ed91h,0708h,c2d9h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0404h,0000h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1df5h,7fcch,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,4bc7h,3af7h,1000h,ffffh,1da6h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,02eeh,1680h,1008h,42b5h,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,0778h,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,027dh,6649h,2240h,03d9h,07b1h,4167h,3e3ch,e42eh,0739h,0000h,625eh,0002h,2a29h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0117h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,1884h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,37a0h,0404h,075fh,0000h,05f4h,1da6h,03b2h,0400h,19f4h,0003h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,2087h,0000h,0000h,f831h,3fe6h,53bch,011fh,c152h,0027h,2910h,c3e6h,38c0h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8514
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 544, T: 8524, avg: 584, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8584 sec, passed time: 31, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 790mA, vbyp: 4614mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 20/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=735mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=585mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=735mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=585mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 0 0 0 114 1 0 > 02-18 17:21:52.665165
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 237 2 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:21:56.281448
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 318 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:21:59.900111
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=747mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=670mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39832500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(152mA),ISYSAVG(206mA),VSYS(3937mV),IIN(784mA),VBYP(4605mV),QH(39832500 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=747mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=670mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=670mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=747mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(299), Temp-ADC(1770)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(300), Temp-ADC(1779)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(316), Temp-ADC(1678)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(299), Temp-ADC(1769)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (299, 0x1de6)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=670mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(544)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.4), raw_soc(54.4)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5446)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39832500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3919mV),Vavg(3901mV),Inow(747mA),Iavg(670mA),Isysavg(206mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(299),Tusb(300),Tchg(316),Twpc(299),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03eeh,3677h,5fb4h,1de6h,c3f8h,03bdh,035ah,0000h,3b4ah,37adh,0405h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,0529h,0148h,1df6h,ed91h,0708h,c311h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0405h,0000h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1df6h,7fd2h,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,4e37h,3ca1h,1000h,ffffh,1da3h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,035ah,1680h,1008h,42efh,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,0762h,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,028ah,6649h,2240h,03d9h,079bh,4167h,3e3dh,b6c0h,0739h,0000h,626fh,0002h,2a37h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,009bh,0204h,1d02h,0000h,18c7h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,37adh,0405h,1d35h,0200h,0000h,0008h,1b00h,1478h,de07h,7f00h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,2086h,0000h,0000h,f625h,3fe9h,53c0h,0114h,c154h,0027h,2910h,c3f0h,38c0h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8514
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 544, T: 8524, avg: 670, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8584 sec, passed time: 31, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 792mA, vbyp: 4612mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 30/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=707mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=671mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=707mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_isys: isys_current=166mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3918)mV, data(0xc3f0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=671mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 662 4 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:22:10.689256
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 820 6 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: samsung-abox 18c50000.abox: abox_enable
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: samsung-abox 18c50000.abox: abox_qos_request_int(0xab0cdefb, 200000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: samsung-abox 18c50000.abox: abox_qos_request_aud(0xab0cdefa, 1180000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: samsung-abox 18c50000.abox: abox_core_download_firmware
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: cs40l2x 4-0040: Failed to request firmware file
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_load_fw_kernel: request_firmware fail.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_fw_check: fw was not loaded yet from ueventd
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_firmware_work_func: failed to load firmware (1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: samsung-abox-core 18c55000.abox-core: calliope_sram.bin isn't loaded yet
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: samsung-abox 18c50000.abox: abox_qos_request_aud(0xab0cdefa, 0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: samsung-abox 18c50000.abox: abox_qos_request_int(0xab0cdefb, 0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: samsung-abox-core 18c55000.abox-core: Direct firmware load for calliope_sram.bin failed with error -2
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: samsung-abox-core 18c55000.abox-core: Falling back to syfs fallback for: calliope_sram.bin
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: samsung-abox 18c50000.abox: pm qos aud: 295000kHz
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=732mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=703mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39835000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(162mA),ISYSAVG(185mA),VSYS(3938mV),IIN(786mA),VBYP(4619mV),QH(39835000 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=732mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=703mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=703mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=732mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(299), Temp-ADC(1773)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(299), Temp-ADC(1780)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(316), Temp-ADC(1679)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(299), Temp-ADC(1773)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (299, 0x1de6)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=703mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(545)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.5), raw_soc(54.5)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5451)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39835000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3921mV),Vavg(3905mV),Inow(732mA),Iavg(703mA),Isysavg(185mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(299),Tusb(299),Tchg(316),Twpc(299),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03efh,3684h,5fb4h,1de6h,c416h,03a9h,0384h,0000h,3b56h,37b9h,0406h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,052eh,0148h,1df5h,ed91h,0708h,c343h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0406h,0000h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1df5h,7fd4h,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,508bh,3e2eh,1000h,ffffh,1da0h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,0384h,1680h,1008h,4329h,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,077eh,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,0296h,6649h,2240h,03d9h,0795h,4167h,3e3eh,88d9h,0739h,0000h,6274h,0002h,2a67h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0053h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,185ch,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,37b9h,0406h,0ac6h,0000h,0012h,0001h,0012h,002dh,0000h,0002h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,2096h,0000h,0000h,f3dah,3feah,53c9h,010bh,c156h,0028h,2910h,c406h,38c0h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8496
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 545, T: 8506, avg: 703, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8566 sec, passed time: 31, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 779mA, vbyp: 4625mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: swelling highblock(420), highrecov(400)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_float_voltage: battery cv reg : 0x16, float voltage val : 4380
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: status(1), swell_mode(0:0:0), cv(4380)mV, temp(299)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_fullcharged_check: Charging Mode : Normal
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_set_current_event: current event before(0x8000), after(0x8000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : EXPIRED_TIME(10791920), IP(4000000), CP(13797000), CURR(821), STANDARD(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : CAL_EXPIRED_TIME(41406270) TIME NOW(64) TIME PREV(34)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : REMAIN_TIME(10784100) CAL_REMAIN_TIME(41376270)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_mix_temp: mix_limit(0), temp(299), chg_temp(316), input_current(800)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_charging_current_by_siop: incurr(800), chgcurr(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_step: st1(380), st2(900), recv_st1(370), recv_st2(380), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: force_check(1), ret(50), lcd(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: cable_type(4), lrp_step(0), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 10/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=682mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=702mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=682mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=702mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: samsung-abox 18c50000.abox: abox_disable
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_firmware_work_func: called
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: A96T3X6 14-0020: Direct firmware load for a96t365_z3s_eur.bin failed with error -2
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: A96T3X6 14-0020: Falling back to syfs fallback for: a96t365_z3s_eur.bin
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 381 3 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 3904 6 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 48 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:22:16.649865
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_ts 7-0048: [sec_input]mode:0202 tc:0 noise:00 ext_n:0 wet:0 wc:0(0) lp:(0) fod:0 D0F000 fn:0061/0061 ED:0 // v:0034 cal:A2(FF) C63T0030.OUTS.L Cal_flag:Success fail_cnt:0 // sip:0 id(0,0) tmp(30) d-irq:0 // #3 3
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_ts 7-0048: [sec_input]sec_ts_set_temp set temperature:29
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 1039 2 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 2550 3 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 318 1 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_muic: max77705_muic_print_reg_log USBC1:0x27, USBC2:0x05, BC:0x81, CC0:0xb1, CC1:0x9, PD0:0x19, PD1:0x47 attached_dev:1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_muic: max77705_muic_print_reg_log UIC_INT_M:0x4, CC_INT_M:0x20, PD_INT_M:0x0, VDM_INT_M:0xf0, PMIC_MASK:0x2, WDT:0, POR:0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=735mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_isys: isys_current=180mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3922)mV, data(0xc41a)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=713mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39837500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(180mA),ISYSAVG(179mA),VSYS(3940mV),IIN(786mA),VBYP(4605mV),QH(39837500 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=735mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=713mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=713mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=735mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(298), Temp-ADC(1776)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(299), Temp-ADC(1780)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(316), Temp-ADC(1681)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(298), Temp-ADC(1776)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (298, 0x1dcd)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=713mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(545)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.5), raw_soc(54.5)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5455)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39837500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3922mV),Vavg(3908mV),Inow(735mA),Iavg(713mA),Isysavg(179mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(298),Tusb(299),Tchg(316),Twpc(298),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03f0h,368dh,5fb4h,1dcdh,c41ah,03adh,0391h,0000h,3b63h,37c9h,0407h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,0534h,0148h,1df3h,ed91h,0708h,c36dh,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0407h,0002h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1df3h,7fcah,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,531ah,3fd9h,1000h,ffffh,1da9h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,0391h,1680h,1008h,4363h,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,0774h,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,02a3h,6649h,2240h,03d9h,0795h,4167h,3e3fh,596ch,0739h,0000h,627ch,0002h,2a4ch,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0019h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,1898h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,37c9h,0407h,0bdch,0000h,ee12h,0004h,38c0h,0040h,0008h,000bh,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,208bh,0000h,0000h,f304h,3fe5h,53d1h,011dh,c158h,0028h,2910h,c418h,38c0h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8496
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 545, T: 8506, avg: 713, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8566 sec, passed time: 61, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 787mA, vbyp: 4614mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 20/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=729mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=713mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=729mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=713mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 0 0 0 114 1 0 > 02-18 17:22:23.385523
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 48 1 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 189 1 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 318 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:22:28.925558
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=714mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=718mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39840000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(202mA),ISYSAVG(175mA),VSYS(3942mV),IIN(789mA),VBYP(4621mV),QH(39840000 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=714mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=718mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3923)mV, data(0xc42c)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=718mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=714mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(297), Temp-ADC(1779)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(299), Temp-ADC(1781)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(315), Temp-ADC(1683)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(297), Temp-ADC(1779)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (297, 0x1db3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=718mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(546)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.6), raw_soc(54.6)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5460)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39840000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3923mV),Vavg(3911mV),Inow(714mA),Iavg(718mA),Isysavg(175mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(297),Tusb(299),Tchg(315),Twpc(297),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03f1h,369ah,5fb4h,1db3h,c42ch,0393h,0398h,0000h,3b6fh,37c9h,0407h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,053bh,0148h,1defh,ed91h,0708h,c392h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0407h,0003h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1defh,7fb6h,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,5587h,4166h,1000h,ffffh,1dbeh,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,0398h,1680h,1008h,439dh,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,07a6h,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,02afh,6649h,2240h,03d9h,0793h,4167h,3e40h,2b1ch,0739h,0000h,627ch,0002h,2a30h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,1892h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,37c9h,0407h,0c86h,3e40h,ee12h,0000h,0388h,0000h,0407h,0003h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,2091h,0000h,0000h,f2b6h,3fdbh,53d4h,0114h,c15ah,0028h,2910h,c41eh,38c0h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8478
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 546, T: 8488, avg: 718, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8548 sec, passed time: 61, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 786mA, vbyp: 4602mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 30/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=706mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=718mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=706mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=718mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 237 2 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:22:41.645351
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=732mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39840000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(167mA),ISYSAVG(168mA),VSYS(3941mV),IIN(782mA),VBYP(4615mV),QH(39840000 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=732mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=732mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(297), Temp-ADC(1782)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(299), Temp-ADC(1782)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(315), Temp-ADC(1685)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(297), Temp-ADC(1782)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (297, 0x1db3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3923)mV, data(0xc42c)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(546)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.6), raw_soc(54.6)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5464)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39840000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3923mV),Vavg(3913mV),Inow(732mA),Iavg(725mA),Isysavg(168mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(297),Tusb(299),Tchg(315),Twpc(297),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03f2h,36a6h,5fb4h,1db3h,c42ch,03a9h,03a1h,0000h,3b7ch,37d5h,0408h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,0542h,0148h,1de9h,ed91h,0708h,c3b2h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0408h,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1de9h,7fc0h,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,582fh,4310h,1000h,ffffh,1db4h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,03a1h,1680h,1008h,43d7h,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,076eh,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,02bch,6649h,2240h,03d9h,078bh,4167h,3e40h,fe77h,0739h,0000h,6284h,0002h,2a60h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,189fh,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,37d5h,0408h,0f18h,03f2h,f18ah,0019h,36a6h,0000h,ff00h,0000h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,207bh,0000h,0000h,f1b3h,3fe0h,53dbh,0115h,c15ch,0028h,2910h,c430h,38c0h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8478
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 546, T: 8488, avg: 725, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8548 sec, passed time: 61, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 787mA, vbyp: 4622mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: swelling highblock(420), highrecov(400)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_float_voltage: battery cv reg : 0x16, float voltage val : 4380
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: status(1), swell_mode(0:0:0), cv(4380)mV, temp(297)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_fullcharged_check: Charging Mode : Normal
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_set_current_event: current event before(0x8000), after(0x8000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : EXPIRED_TIME(10784100), IP(4000000), CP(13797000), CURR(821), STANDARD(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : CAL_EXPIRED_TIME(41376266) TIME NOW(95) TIME PREV(64)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : REMAIN_TIME(10776020) CAL_REMAIN_TIME(41345266)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_mix_temp: mix_limit(0), temp(297), chg_temp(315), input_current(800)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_charging_current_by_siop: incurr(800), chgcurr(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_step: st1(380), st2(900), recv_st1(370), recv_st2(380), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: force_check(1), ret(50), lcd(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: cable_type(4), lrp_step(0), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 10/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=710mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=710mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 318 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:22:45.223076
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_ts 7-0048: [sec_input]mode:0202 tc:0 noise:00 ext_n:0 wet:0 wc:0(0) lp:(0) fod:0 D0F000 fn:0061/0061 ED:0 // v:0034 cal:A2(FF) C63T0030.OUTS.L Cal_flag:Success fail_cnt:0 // sip:0 id(0,0) tmp(29) d-irq:0 // #4 4
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=722mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39842500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(184mA),ISYSAVG(172mA),VSYS(3942mV),IIN(792mA),VBYP(4619mV),QH(39842500 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=722mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=722mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(296), Temp-ADC(1784)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(299), Temp-ADC(1782)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(314), Temp-ADC(1688)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(296), Temp-ADC(1784)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (296, 0x1d99)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(546)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.6), raw_soc(54.6)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5469)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39842500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3924mV),Vavg(3916mV),Inow(722mA),Iavg(723mA),Isysavg(172mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(296),Tusb(299),Tchg(314),Twpc(296),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03f2h,36b3h,5fb4h,1d99h,c43eh,039dh,039eh,0000h,3b88h,37e5h,0409h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,0549h,0148h,1de3h,ed91h,0708h,c3cdh,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0409h,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1de3h,7fd6h,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,5ab3h,449dh,1000h,ffffh,1d9eh,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,039eh,1680h,1008h,4411h,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,079ch,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,02c8h,6649h,2240h,03d9h,0793h,4167h,3e41h,cfd2h,0739h,0000h,628fh,0002h,2a52h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,18ach,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,37e5h,0409h,12c0h,0000h,000dh,6400h,0010h,0010h,0000h,0016h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,208dh,0000h,0000h,ef2fh,3febh,53d9h,0119h,c15fh,0028h,2910h,c42ah,38c0h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8478
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 546, T: 8488, avg: 723, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8548 sec, passed time: 92, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 789mA, vbyp: 4616mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 20/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=718mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=718mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_isys: isys_current=178mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3923)mV, data(0xc42a)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 798 5 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:22:55.697285
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 916 7 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 3775 6 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 366 2 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 2739 4 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:23:02.828577
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=709mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39845000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(183mA),ISYSAVG(170mA),VSYS(3942mV),IIN(790mA),VBYP(4603mV),QH(39845000 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=709mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=709mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(296), Temp-ADC(1786)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(299), Temp-ADC(1783)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(314), Temp-ADC(1690)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(296), Temp-ADC(1786)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (296, 0x1d99)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(547)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.7), raw_soc(54.7)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5473)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39845000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3924mV),Vavg(3917mV),Inow(709mA),Iavg(724mA),Isysavg(170mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(296),Tusb(299),Tchg(314),Twpc(296),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03f3h,36bch,5fb4h,1d99h,c44eh,038ch,039fh,0000h,3b92h,37f1h,040ah,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,0550h,0148h,1ddbh,ed91h,0708h,c3e6h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,040ah,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1ddbh,7fcah,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,5d66h,4646h,1000h,ffffh,1da9h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,039fh,1680h,1008h,444bh,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,079ch,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,027fh,6649h,2240h,03deh,078fh,4167h,3e42h,a561h,0739h,0000h,628eh,0002h,2a56h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,18d5h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,37f1h,040ah,14b2h,03f3h,444bh,0800h,03f3h,0000h,0010h,0002h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,208ch,0000h,0000h,edebh,3fe5h,53e8h,0114h,c161h,0028h,2910h,c44eh,3913h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8456
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 547, T: 8466, avg: 724, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8526 sec, passed time: 92, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 794mA, vbyp: 4618mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 30/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=706mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=706mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 850 1 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 318 1 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 48 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:23:08.047458
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 189 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:23:10.837093
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=694mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_isys: isys_current=199mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3927)mV, data(0xc45c)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39847500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(199mA),ISYSAVG(170mA),VSYS(3945mV),IIN(788mA),VBYP(4612mV),QH(39847500 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=694mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=694mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(295), Temp-ADC(1788)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(299), Temp-ADC(1783)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(313), Temp-ADC(1691)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(295), Temp-ADC(1788)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (295, 0x1d80)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(547)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.7), raw_soc(54.7)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5478)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39847500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3927mV),Vavg(3919mV),Inow(694mA),Iavg(724mA),Isysavg(170mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(295),Tusb(299),Tchg(313),Twpc(295),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_load_fw_kernel: request_firmware fail.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_fw_check: fw was not loaded yet from ueventd
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_firmware_work_func: failed to load firmware (2)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03f4h,36c9h,5fb4h,1d80h,c43eh,0385h,039fh,0000h,3b9eh,3801h,040bh,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,0557h,0148h,1dd4h,ed91h,0708h,c3fbh,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,040bh,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1dd4h,7fc6h,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,5feeh,47d8h,1000h,ffffh,1daeh,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,039fh,1680h,1008h,4485h,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,07b0h,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,028bh,6649h,2240h,03deh,078eh,4167h,3e43h,77a5h,0739h,0000h,6292h,0002h,2a3eh,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,18f4h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,3801h,040bh,1aadh,ffe9h,06dbh,0009h,4880h,0156h,00ffh,0017h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,2089h,0000h,0000h,ea2bh,3fe3h,53e1h,0113h,c163h,0028h,2910h,c43eh,3913h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8456
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 547, T: 8466, avg: 724, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8526 sec, passed time: 92, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 798mA, vbyp: 4608mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: swelling highblock(420), highrecov(400)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_float_voltage: battery cv reg : 0x16, float voltage val : 4380
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: status(1), swell_mode(0:0:0), cv(4380)mV, temp(295)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_fullcharged_check: Charging Mode : Normal
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_set_current_event: current event before(0x8000), after(0x8000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : EXPIRED_TIME(10776020), IP(4000000), CP(13797000), CURR(821), STANDARD(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : CAL_EXPIRED_TIME(41345265) TIME NOW(125) TIME PREV(95)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : REMAIN_TIME(10768200) CAL_REMAIN_TIME(41315265)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_mix_temp: mix_limit(0), temp(295), chg_temp(313), input_current(800)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_charging_current_by_siop: incurr(800), chgcurr(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_step: st1(380), st2(900), recv_st1(370), recv_st2(380), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: force_check(1), ret(50), lcd(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: cable_type(4), lrp_step(0), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 10/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=703mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=703mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 318 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:23:13.784057
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_firmware_work_func: called
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: A96T3X6 14-0020: Direct firmware load for a96t365_z3s_eur.bin failed with error -2
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: A96T3X6 14-0020: Falling back to syfs fallback for: a96t365_z3s_eur.bin
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_ts 7-0048: [sec_input]mode:0202 tc:0 noise:00 ext_n:0 wet:0 wc:0(0) lp:(0) fod:0 D0F000 fn:0061/0061 ED:0 // v:0034 cal:A2(FF) C63T0030.OUTS.L Cal_flag:Success fail_cnt:0 // sip:0 id(0,0) tmp(29) d-irq:0 // #5 5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 48 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:23:22.172242
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=762mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=726mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39850000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(133mA),ISYSAVG(167mA),VSYS(3945mV),IIN(788mA),VBYP(4619mV),QH(39850000 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=762mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=726mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3926)mV, data(0xc456)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=726mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=754mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(295), Temp-ADC(1790)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(299), Temp-ADC(1784)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(313), Temp-ADC(1693)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(295), Temp-ADC(1790)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (295, 0x1d80)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=726mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(548)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.8), raw_soc(54.8)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5483)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39850000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3926mV),Vavg(3921mV),Inow(762mA),Iavg(726mA),Isysavg(167mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(295),Tusb(299),Tchg(313),Twpc(295),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03f5h,36d5h,5fb4h,1d80h,c456h,03c6h,03a2h,0000h,3babh,3801h,040bh,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,055dh,0148h,1dcbh,ed91h,0708h,c40dh,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,040bh,0006h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1dcbh,7fc6h,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,62a9h,4989h,1000h,ffffh,1daeh,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,03a2h,1680h,1008h,44bfh,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,0762h,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,0298h,6649h,2240h,03deh,0789h,4167h,3e44h,4acch,0739h,0000h,629bh,0002h,2a4ch,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,1880h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,380eh,040ch,1cb5h,0274h,06ddh,0008h,167eh,0000h,7fffh,ffffh,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,208ch,0000h,0000h,ffddh,3fe3h,53ech,0127h,c166h,0028h,2917h,c456h,3913h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8438
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 548, T: 8448, avg: 726, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8508 sec, passed time: 122, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 784mA, vbyp: 4614mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 20/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=754mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=727mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=754mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=727mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_muic: max77705_muic_print_reg_log USBC1:0x27, USBC2:0x05, BC:0x81, CC0:0xb1, CC1:0x9, PD0:0x19, PD1:0x47 attached_dev:1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_muic: max77705_muic_print_reg_log UIC_INT_M:0x4, CC_INT_M:0x20, PD_INT_M:0x0, VDM_INT_M:0xf0, PMIC_MASK:0x2, WDT:0, POR:0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 0 0 0 114 1 0 > 02-18 17:23:24.825474
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 189 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:23:26.839529
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 318 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:23:30.297389
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=714mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39852500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(170mA),ISYSAVG(168mA),VSYS(3946mV),IIN(783mA),VBYP(4606mV),QH(39852500 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=775mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=775mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(295), Temp-ADC(1792)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(298), Temp-ADC(1785)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(312), Temp-ADC(1695)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(295), Temp-ADC(1791)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (295, 0x1d80)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3927)mV, data(0xc464)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(548)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.8), raw_soc(54.8)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5488)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39852500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3927mV),Vavg(3922mV),Inow(775mA),Iavg(725mA),Isysavg(168mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(295),Tusb(298),Tchg(312),Twpc(295),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03f6h,36e2h,5fb4h,1d80h,c464h,03e0h,03a0h,0000h,3bc0h,380eh,040ch,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,0564h,0148h,1dc3h,ed91h,0708h,c41ch,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,040ch,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1dc3h,7fcch,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,653fh,4b1bh,1000h,ffffh,1da6h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,03a0h,1680h,1008h,44f9h,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,077ch,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,02adh,6649h,2240h,03deh,078ch,4167h,3e45h,1ccch,0739h,0000h,62a9h,0002h,2a37h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,18f0h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,380eh,040ch,0315h,0000h,e484h,0008h,0000h,0008h,fc93h,0002h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,2087h,0000h,0000h,fcdbh,3fe6h,53ech,011ch,c168h,0028h,2910h,c464h,3913h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8438
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 548, T: 8448, avg: 725, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8508 sec, passed time: 122, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 790mA, vbyp: 4618mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 30/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=727mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=727mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 655 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:23:34.208739
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 718 5 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:23:40.689274
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 916 7 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 2925 5 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=717mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=726mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39852500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(171mA),ISYSAVG(167mA),VSYS(3947mV),IIN(783mA),VBYP(4612mV),QH(39852500 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=717mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=726mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=726mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=717mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(295), Temp-ADC(1792)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(298), Temp-ADC(1785)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(312), Temp-ADC(1696)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(294), Temp-ADC(1793)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (295, 0x1d80)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(549)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.9), raw_soc(54.9)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5491)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39852500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3928mV),Vavg(3923mV),Inow(717mA),Iavg(726mA),Isysavg(167mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(295),Tusb(298),Tchg(312),Twpc(294),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03f7h,36ebh,5fb4h,1d80h,c46ch,0396h,03a1h,0000h,3bcdh,381ah,040dh,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,056bh,0148h,1dbch,ed91h,0708h,c42bh,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,040dh,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1dbch,7fcah,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,680ch,4cc8h,1000h,ffffh,1da9h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,03a1h,1680h,1008h,4534h,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,0780h,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,02bah,6649h,2240h,03deh,0788h,4167h,3e45h,ef30h,0739h,0000h,62adh,0002h,2a48h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,187dh,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,381ah,040dh,04d1h,7711h,c500h,ffd1h,0007h,0000h,c454h,ffffh,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,2083h,0000h,0000h,fa7dh,3fe5h,53ebh,0118h,c16ah,0028h,2910h,c454h,3913h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8420
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 549, T: 8430, avg: 726, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8490 sec, passed time: 122, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 797mA, vbyp: 4614mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: swelling highblock(420), highrecov(400)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_float_voltage: battery cv reg : 0x16, float voltage val : 4380
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: status(1), swell_mode(0:0:0), cv(4380)mV, temp(295)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_fullcharged_check: Charging Mode : Normal
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_set_current_event: current event before(0x8000), after(0x8000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : EXPIRED_TIME(10768200), IP(4000000), CP(13797000), CURR(821), STANDARD(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : CAL_EXPIRED_TIME(41315261) TIME NOW(156) TIME PREV(125)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : REMAIN_TIME(10760120) CAL_REMAIN_TIME(41284261)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_mix_temp: mix_limit(0), temp(295), chg_temp(312), input_current(800)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_charging_current_by_siop: incurr(800), chgcurr(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_step: st1(380), st2(900), recv_st1(370), recv_st2(380), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: force_check(1), ret(50), lcd(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: cable_type(4), lrp_step(0), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 10/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=717mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=717mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_isys: isys_current=170mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3926)mV, data(0xc454)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 1168 2 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 48 1 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 1889 3 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 2018 3 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_ts 7-0048: [sec_input]mode:0202 tc:0 noise:00 ext_n:0 wet:0 wc:0(0) lp:(0) fod:0 D0F000 fn:0061/0061 ED:0 // v:0034 cal:A2(FF) C63T0030.OUTS.L Cal_flag:Success fail_cnt:0 // sip:0 id(0,0) tmp(29) d-irq:0 // #6 6
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 48 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:23:54.065700
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=726mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39855000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(166mA),ISYSAVG(170mA),VSYS(3946mV),IIN(788mA),VBYP(4622mV),QH(39855000 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=726mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=726mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(294), Temp-ADC(1794)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(298), Temp-ADC(1786)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(312), Temp-ADC(1698)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(294), Temp-ADC(1794)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (294, 0x1d66)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(549)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(54.9), raw_soc(54.9)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5496)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39855000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(54), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3928mV),Vavg(3924mV),Inow(726mA),Iavg(724mA),Isysavg(170mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(54%),Tbat(294),Tusb(298),Tchg(312),Twpc(294),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03f7h,36f7h,5fb4h,1d66h,c468h,03a2h,039fh,0000h,3bd9h,382ah,040eh,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,0572h,0148h,1db5h,ed91h,0708h,c437h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,040eh,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1db5h,7fc8h,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,6adfh,4e71h,1000h,ffffh,1dabh,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,039fh,1680h,1008h,456eh,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,0790h,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,02c6h,6649h,2240h,03deh,078dh,4167h,3e46h,c0f7h,0739h,0000h,62ach,0002h,2a60h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,18a7h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,382ah,040eh,1dc6h,f8f8h,e975h,8000h,006bh,006bh,19f6h,000bh,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,208ah,0000h,0000h,f7c6h,3fe4h,53eah,0110h,c16ch,0028h,2910h,c452h,3913h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8420
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 549, T: 8430, avg: 724, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8490 sec, passed time: 153, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 789mA, vbyp: 4624mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 20/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=696mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=696mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 189 1 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 318 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:23:58.652169
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=722mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_isys: isys_current=161mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3928)mV, data(0xc470)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39857500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(161mA),ISYSAVG(169mA),VSYS(3947mV),IIN(790mA),VBYP(4616mV),QH(39857500 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=722mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=722mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(294), Temp-ADC(1796)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(298), Temp-ADC(1787)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(311), Temp-ADC(1699)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(294), Temp-ADC(1795)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (294, 0x1d66)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(550)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(55.0), raw_soc(55.0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5501)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39857500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(55), OLD(54)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3928mV),Vavg(3925mV),Inow(722mA),Iavg(725mA),Isysavg(169mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(55%),Tbat(294),Tusb(298),Tchg(311),Twpc(294),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03f8h,3704h,5fb4h,1d66h,c470h,039dh,03a0h,0000h,3be6h,3836h,040fh,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,0579h,0148h,1dadh,ed91h,0708h,c442h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,040fh,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1dadh,7fbeh,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,6d81h,5000h,1000h,ffffh,1db4h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,03a0h,1680h,1008h,45a8h,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,0796h,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,02d3h,6649h,2240h,03deh,078eh,4167h,3e47h,9344h,0739h,0000h,62b0h,0002h,2a52h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,18b2h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,3836h,040fh,06bch,54b2h,038fh,1406h,4f58h,2a59h,18d2h,000dh,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,208ch,0000h,0000h,f86ah,3fe7h,53f4h,0116h,c16fh,0028h,2910h,c46ah,3913h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8402
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 550, T: 8412, avg: 725, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8472 sec, passed time: 153, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 793mA, vbyp: 4619mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 30/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=711mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=711mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=725mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 48 1 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:24:09.895032
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 2206 9 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 2659 4 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 386 2 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39860000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(187mA),ISYSAVG(170mA),VSYS(3948mV),IIN(784mA),VBYP(4621mV),QH(39860000 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3929)mV, data(0xc47c)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(294), Temp-ADC(1797)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(298), Temp-ADC(1788)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(311), Temp-ADC(1701)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(294), Temp-ADC(1797)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (294, 0x1d66)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(550)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(55.0), raw_soc(55.0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5506)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39860000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(55), OLD(55)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3929mV),Vavg(3926mV),Inow(721mA),Iavg(724mA),Isysavg(170mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(55%),Tbat(294),Tusb(298),Tchg(311),Twpc(294),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03f9h,3710h,5fb4h,1d66h,c47ch,039ch,039fh,0000h,3befh,3846h,0410h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,057fh,0148h,1da5h,ed91h,0708h,c44dh,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0410h,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1da5h,7fcah,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,705ah,51afh,1000h,ffffh,1da9h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,039fh,1680h,1008h,45e2h,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,077ah,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,0289h,6649h,2240h,03e3h,078dh,4167h,3e48h,654fh,0739h,0000h,62b4h,0002h,2a5dh,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,1880h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,3846h,0410h,1daeh,3fe5h,e959h,3fe5h,dd14h,0000h,19f5h,000bh,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,2087h,0000h,0000h,f83fh,3fe5h,53fbh,0122h,c171h,0028h,2910h,c47ah,3966h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8402
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 550, T: 8412, avg: 724, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8472 sec, passed time: 153, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 785mA, vbyp: 4612mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: swelling highblock(420), highrecov(400)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_float_voltage: battery cv reg : 0x16, float voltage val : 4380
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: status(1), swell_mode(0:0:0), cv(4380)mV, temp(294)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_fullcharged_check: Charging Mode : Normal
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_set_current_event: current event before(0x8000), after(0x8000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : EXPIRED_TIME(10760120), IP(4000000), CP(13797000), CURR(821), STANDARD(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : CAL_EXPIRED_TIME(41284260) TIME NOW(187) TIME PREV(156)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : REMAIN_TIME(10752040) CAL_REMAIN_TIME(41253260)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_mix_temp: mix_limit(0), temp(294), chg_temp(311), input_current(800)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_charging_current_by_siop: incurr(800), chgcurr(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_step: st1(380), st2(900), recv_st1(370), recv_st2(380), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: force_check(1), ret(50), lcd(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: cable_type(4), lrp_step(0), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 10/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=742mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=742mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 535 2 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_load_fw_kernel: request_firmware fail.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_fw_check: fw was not loaded yet from ueventd
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_firmware_work_func: failed to load firmware (3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_firmware_work_func: called
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: A96T3X6 14-0020: Direct firmware load for a96t365_z3s_eur.bin failed with error -2
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: A96T3X6 14-0020: Falling back to syfs fallback for: a96t365_z3s_eur.bin
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 6147 10 0 184 2 0 > 02-18 17:24:17.621814
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 830 1 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_ts 7-0048: [sec_input]mode:0202 tc:0 noise:00 ext_n:0 wet:0 wc:0(0) lp:(0) fod:0 D0F000 fn:0061/0061 ED:0 // v:0034 cal:A2(FF) C63T0030.OUTS.L Cal_flag:Success fail_cnt:0 // sip:0 id(0,0) tmp(29) d-irq:0 // #7 7
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio u 21 658 0 0 rnd0 341 6 0 1216 5 0 > 02-18 17:24:21.299988
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=760mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=722mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39862500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(146mA),ISYSAVG(171mA),VSYS(3948mV),IIN(781mA),VBYP(4614mV),QH(39862500 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=760mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=722mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=722mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=760mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(293), Temp-ADC(1799)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(298), Temp-ADC(1788)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(311), Temp-ADC(1702)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(293), Temp-ADC(1798)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (293, 0x1d4c)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3930)mV, data(0xc486)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=722mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(551)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(55.1), raw_soc(55.1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5510)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39862500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(55), OLD(55)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3930mV),Vavg(3926mV),Inow(760mA),Iavg(722mA),Isysavg(171mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(55%),Tbat(293),Tusb(298),Tchg(311),Twpc(293),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03fah,371ah,5fb4h,1d4ch,c486h,03ceh,039dh,0000h,3bfch,3846h,0410h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,0586h,0148h,1d9eh,ed91h,0708h,c457h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0410h,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1d9eh,7fbah,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,7304h,533eh,1000h,ffffh,1db9h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,039dh,1680h,1008h,461ch,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,0740h,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,0296h,6649h,2240h,03e3h,078ch,4167h,3e49h,36b0h,0739h,0000h,62b4h,0002h,2a4ch,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,187ah,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,3846h,0410h,1cd7h,3f80h,ebf3h,0008h,0000h,0000h,078ch,0017h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,208ch,0000h,0000h,f6aeh,3fddh,53fah,0120h,c174h,0028h,2910h,c478h,3966h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8384
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 551, T: 8394, avg: 722, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8454 sec, passed time: 184, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 783mA, vbyp: 4615mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 20/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=736mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=736mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_muic: max77705_muic_print_reg_log USBC1:0x27, USBC2:0x05, BC:0x81, CC0:0xb1, CC1:0x9, PD0:0x19, PD1:0x47 attached_dev:1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_muic: max77705_muic_print_reg_log UIC_INT_M:0x4, CC_INT_M:0x20, PD_INT_M:0x0, VDM_INT_M:0xf0, PMIC_MASK:0x2, WDT:0, POR:0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 534 5 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:24:25.678117
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=727mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39865000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(164mA),ISYSAVG(170mA),VSYS(3947mV),IIN(785mA),VBYP(4615mV),QH(39865000 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=727mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=727mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(293), Temp-ADC(1800)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(298), Temp-ADC(1788)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(311), Temp-ADC(1703)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(293), Temp-ADC(1800)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (293, 0x1d4c)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(551)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(55.1), raw_soc(55.1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5514)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39865000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(55), OLD(55)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3929mV),Vavg(3927mV),Inow(727mA),Iavg(723mA),Isysavg(170mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(55%),Tbat(293),Tusb(298),Tchg(311),Twpc(293),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03fbh,3726h,5fb4h,1d4ch,c478h,03a3h,039eh,0000h,3c08h,3852h,0411h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,058dh,0148h,1d96h,ed91h,0708h,c460h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0411h,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1d96h,7fcah,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,75deh,54e9h,1000h,ffffh,1da9h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,039eh,1680h,1008h,4656h,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,077eh,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,02a2h,6649h,2240h,03e3h,078ah,4167h,3e4ah,08adh,0739h,0000h,62ach,0002h,2a48h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,18adh,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,3852h,0411h,1d61h,3830h,ec1bh,0004h,0001h,ffffh,b726h,0000h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,2082h,0000h,0000h,f522h,3fe5h,53f6h,0113h,c176h,0028h,2910h,c46eh,3966h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8384
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 551, T: 8394, avg: 723, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8454 sec, passed time: 184, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 789mA, vbyp: 4612mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 30/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=704mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=704mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_isys: isys_current=177mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3928)mV, data(0xc46e)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=714mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39865000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(158mA),ISYSAVG(168mA),VSYS(3950mV),IIN(779mA),VBYP(4628mV),QH(39865000 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=714mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=714mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(293), Temp-ADC(1801)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(297), Temp-ADC(1789)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(310), Temp-ADC(1704)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(293), Temp-ADC(1801)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (293, 0x1d4c)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(551)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(55.1), raw_soc(55.1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5519)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39865000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(55), OLD(55)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3932mV),Vavg(3928mV),Inow(714mA),Iavg(724mA),Isysavg(168mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(55%),Tbat(293),Tusb(297),Tchg(310),Twpc(293),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03fch,3733h,5fb4h,1d4ch,c49eh,0392h,039fh,0000h,3c15h,3862h,0412h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,0594h,0148h,1d8eh,ed91h,0708h,c469h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0412h,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1d8eh,7fceh,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,7895h,5675h,1000h,ffffh,1da4h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,039fh,1680h,1008h,4690h,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,077ch,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,02afh,6649h,2240h,03e3h,0789h,4167h,3e4ah,dac6h,0739h,0000h,62b0h,0002h,2a63h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,1866h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,3862h,0412h,1d56h,0400h,ec1bh,0004h,0001h,fffeh,0002h,0000h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,2086h,0000h,0000h,f4d1h,3fe0h,5404h,0118h,c178h,0028h,2910h,c490h,3966h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8384
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 551, T: 8394, avg: 724, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8454 sec, passed time: 184, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 780mA, vbyp: 4624mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: swelling highblock(420), highrecov(400)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_float_voltage: battery cv reg : 0x16, float voltage val : 4380
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: status(1), swell_mode(0:0:0), cv(4380)mV, temp(293)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_fullcharged_check: Charging Mode : Normal
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_set_current_event: current event before(0x8000), after(0x8000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : EXPIRED_TIME(10752040), IP(4000000), CP(13797000), CURR(821), STANDARD(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : CAL_EXPIRED_TIME(41253259) TIME NOW(217) TIME PREV(187)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : REMAIN_TIME(10744220) CAL_REMAIN_TIME(41223259)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_mix_temp: mix_limit(0), temp(293), chg_temp(310), input_current(800)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_charging_current_by_siop: incurr(800), chgcurr(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_step: st1(380), st2(900), recv_st1(370), recv_st2(380), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: force_check(1), ret(50), lcd(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: cable_type(4), lrp_step(0), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 10/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=717mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=717mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=723mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_ts 7-0048: [sec_input]mode:0202 tc:0 noise:00 ext_n:0 wet:0 wc:0(0) lp:(0) fod:0 D0F000 fn:0061/0061 ED:0 // v:0034 cal:A2(FF) C63T0030.OUTS.L Cal_flag:Success fail_cnt:0 // sip:0 id(0,0) tmp(29) d-irq:0 // #8 8
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=704mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_isys: isys_current=188mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3931)mV, data(0xc498)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39867500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(188mA),ISYSAVG(172mA),VSYS(3949mV),IIN(785mA),VBYP(4616mV),QH(39867500 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=704mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=704mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(293), Temp-ADC(1802)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(297), Temp-ADC(1789)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(310), Temp-ADC(1705)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(293), Temp-ADC(1802)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (293, 0x1d4c)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(552)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(55.2), raw_soc(55.2)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5524)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39867500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(55), OLD(55)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3931mV),Vavg(3928mV),Inow(704mA),Iavg(721mA),Isysavg(172mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(55%),Tbat(293),Tusb(297),Tchg(310),Twpc(293),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03fdh,373fh,5fb4h,1d4ch,c498h,0386h,039bh,0000h,3c21h,386eh,0413h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,059bh,0148h,1d87h,ed91h,0708h,c471h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0413h,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1d87h,7fc2h,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,7b7fh,5820h,1000h,ffffh,1db3h,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,039bh,1680h,1008h,46cah,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,079ah,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,02bbh,6649h,2240h,03e3h,078eh,4167h,3e4bh,ab4bh,0739h,0000h,62bfh,0002h,2a5dh,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,18cbh,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,386eh,0413h,1cd9h,1b1fh,ec8ch,7f81h,0011h,0000h,4000h,0001h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,2086h,0000h,0000h,f4d5h,3fe1h,5403h,0112h,c17bh,0028h,2910h,c48ch,3966h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8366
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 552, T: 8376, avg: 721, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8436 sec, passed time: 214, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 793mA, vbyp: 4621mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 20/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=701mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=720mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=701mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=720mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=735mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39870000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(163mA),ISYSAVG(169mA),VSYS(3949mV),IIN(786mA),VBYP(4618mV),QH(39870000 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=735mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3933)mV, data(0xc4a8)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=735mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(292), Temp-ADC(1803)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(297), Temp-ADC(1789)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(310), Temp-ADC(1707)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(292), Temp-ADC(1803)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (292, 0x1d33)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(552)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(55.2), raw_soc(55.2)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5528)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39870000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(55), OLD(55)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3933mV),Vavg(3929mV),Inow(735mA),Iavg(724mA),Isysavg(169mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(55%),Tbat(292),Tusb(297),Tchg(310),Twpc(292),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 1559 8 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:25:05.576708
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03fdh,3749h,5fb4h,1d33h,c4a8h,03adh,039fh,0000h,3c2eh,387bh,0414h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,05a1h,0148h,1d80h,ed91h,0708h,c479h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0414h,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1d80h,7fc6h,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,7e3ah,59b0h,1000h,ffffh,1daeh,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,039fh,1680h,1008h,4704h,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,0774h,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,02c8h,6649h,2240h,03e3h,0789h,4167h,3e4ch,7e06h,0739h,0000h,62c0h,0002h,2a4fh,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,18cbh,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,387bh,0414h,0c7eh,3e4ch,0414h,ffffh,000ah,0200h,0414h,0000h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,2085h,0000h,0000h,f264h,3fe3h,540ah,0116h,c17dh,0028h,2910h,c49eh,3966h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8366
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 552, T: 8376, avg: 724, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8436 sec, passed time: 214, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 793mA, vbyp: 4615mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 30/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=711mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=711mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=724mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 1936 4 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 999 2 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 107 1 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 3320 4 0 0 0 0 > 02-18 17:25:11.623523
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: fps_qbt2000_work_func_debug: ldo:0,ipc:0,wuhb:0,tz:1,type:qbt2000,int:0,0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 169 1 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: INFO: task tz_worker_threa:14 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Tainted: G S W 4.19.87-gea03b2aa6886-dirty #10
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_threa D 0 14 2 0x00000008
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Call trace:
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __switch_to+0x100/0x10c
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __schedule+0x624/0x818
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: schedule+0x70/0x90
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_handler+0x25c/0x4b8
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: smpboot_thread_fn+0x1ac/0x284
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: kthread+0x144/0x154
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: INFO: task tz_worker_threa:19 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Tainted: G S W 4.19.87-gea03b2aa6886-dirty #10
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_threa D 0 19 2 0x00000008
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Call trace:
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __switch_to+0x100/0x10c
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __schedule+0x624/0x818
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: schedule+0x70/0x90
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_handler+0x25c/0x4b8
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: smpboot_thread_fn+0x1ac/0x284
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: kthread+0x144/0x154
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: INFO: task tz_worker_threa:25 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Tainted: G S W 4.19.87-gea03b2aa6886-dirty #10
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_threa D 0 25 2 0x00000008
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Call trace:
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __switch_to+0x100/0x10c
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __schedule+0x624/0x818
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: schedule+0x70/0x90
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_handler+0x25c/0x4b8
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: smpboot_thread_fn+0x1ac/0x284
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: kthread+0x144/0x154
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: INFO: task tz_worker_threa:31 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Tainted: G S W 4.19.87-gea03b2aa6886-dirty #10
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_threa D 0 31 2 0x00000008
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Call trace:
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __switch_to+0x100/0x10c
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __schedule+0x624/0x818
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: schedule+0x70/0x90
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_handler+0x25c/0x4b8
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: smpboot_thread_fn+0x1ac/0x284
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: kthread+0x144/0x154
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: INFO: task tz_worker_threa:37 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Tainted: G S W 4.19.87-gea03b2aa6886-dirty #10
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_threa D 0 37 2 0x00000008
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Call trace:
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __switch_to+0x100/0x10c
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __schedule+0x624/0x818
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: schedule+0x70/0x90
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_handler+0x25c/0x4b8
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: smpboot_thread_fn+0x1ac/0x284
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: kthread+0x144/0x154
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: INFO: task tz_worker_threa:43 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Tainted: G S W 4.19.87-gea03b2aa6886-dirty #10
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_threa D 0 43 2 0x00000008
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Call trace:
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __switch_to+0x100/0x10c
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __schedule+0x624/0x818
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: schedule+0x70/0x90
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_handler+0x25c/0x4b8
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: smpboot_thread_fn+0x1ac/0x284
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: kthread+0x144/0x154
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: INFO: task tz_worker_threa:49 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Tainted: G S W 4.19.87-gea03b2aa6886-dirty #10
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_threa D 0 49 2 0x00000008
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Call trace:
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __switch_to+0x100/0x10c
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __schedule+0x624/0x818
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: schedule+0x70/0x90
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_handler+0x25c/0x4b8
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: smpboot_thread_fn+0x1ac/0x284
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: kthread+0x144/0x154
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: INFO: task tz_worker_threa:55 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Tainted: G S W 4.19.87-gea03b2aa6886-dirty #10
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_threa D 0 55 2 0x00000008
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Call trace:
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __switch_to+0x100/0x10c
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __schedule+0x624/0x818
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: schedule+0x70/0x90
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_worker_handler+0x25c/0x4b8
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: smpboot_thread_fn+0x1ac/0x284
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: kthread+0x144/0x154
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: INFO: task tz_iwlog_thread:206 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Tainted: G S W 4.19.87-gea03b2aa6886-dirty #10
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_iwlog_thread D 0 206 2 0x00000008
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Call trace:
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __switch_to+0x100/0x10c
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __schedule+0x624/0x818
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: schedule+0x70/0x90
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: tz_iwlog_kthread_handler+0xd0/0x198
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: kthread+0x144/0x154
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: INFO: task kworker/5:4:286 blocked for more than 120 seconds.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Tainted: G S W 4.19.87-gea03b2aa6886-dirty #10
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/hung_task_timeout_secs" disables this message.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: kworker/5:4 D 0 286 2 0x00000008
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Workqueue: events abox_vdma_register_card_work_func
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Mutex: client_mutex+0x0/0x28: owner[kworker/5:5 :287]
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Call trace:
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __switch_to+0x100/0x10c
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __schedule+0x624/0x818
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: schedule+0x70/0x90
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: schedule_preempt_disabled+0x20/0x38
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __mutex_lock_common+0x394/0x600
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: __mutex_lock_slowpath+0x28/0x30
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: mutex_lock+0x48/0x54
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: snd_soc_register_card+0x144/0xda0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: abox_register_extra_sound_card+0x74/0xa0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: abox_vdma_register_card_work_func+0xb4/0xcc
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: process_one_work+0x220/0x420
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: worker_thread+0x238/0x3d8
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: kthread+0x144/0x154
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: ret_from_fork+0x10/0x18
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio rnd0 88 2 0 184 2 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=693mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39872500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG power] ISYS(188mA),ISYSAVG(171mA),VSYS(3950mV),IIN(790mA),VBYP(4625mV),QH(39872500 uah),WA(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=693mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=693mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[2] Temp(292), Temp-ADC(1804)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[12] Temp(297), Temp-ADC(1789)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[6] Temp(310), Temp-ADC(1707)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: iio iio:device0: Exynos ADC value = -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_get_value_by_adc:[10] Temp(292), Temp-ADC(1804)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_write_temp: temperature to (292, 0x1d33)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_vcell: VCELL(3932)mV, data(0xc4a2)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_fuelgauge_soc: soc(553)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_scaled_capacity : capacity_max (1000) scaled capacity(55.3), raw_soc(55.3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_rawsoc: raw capacity (0.01%) (5533)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_qh : QH(39872500)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_get_atomic_capacity : NOW(55), OLD(55)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_battery_info:Vnow(3932mV),Vavg(3930mV),Inow(693mA),Iavg(721mA),Isysavg(171mA),Imax(800mA),Ichg(3150mA),SOC(55%),Tbat(292),Tusb(297),Tchg(310),Twpc(292),Tdchg(0) lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [FG] 0080h,ff9bh,7f80h,ff01h,1900h,03feh,3755h,5fb4h,1d33h,c4a2h,0378h,039bh,0000h,3c3ah,388bh,0415h,0739h,ffffh,3c00h,5900h,05abh,0148h,1d78h,ed91h,0708h,c480h,3301h,da98h,29e6h,0314h,03a2h,0415h,0005h,6200h,2300h,06bch,1403h,1e05h,1d78h,7fc8h,2476h,cea4h,023ch,3830h,e3e1h,290eh,0400h,0001h,412fh,2dfdh,1000h,ffffh,1dabh,0738h,05a0h,05e0h,0035h,2a3ah,a7e2h,039bh,1680h,1008h,473eh,e000h,07fch,0000h,0b00h,07bah,c24fh,0364h,64a4h,0281h,6649h,2240h,03e9h,078ch,4167h,3e4dh,4e72h,0739h,0000h,62c2h,0002h,2a45h,7f80h,0005h,00a8h,02f9h,0000h,006bh,090ch,0055h,0000h,0204h,1d02h,0000h,1897h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0000h,0010h,0000h,ffffh,388bh,0415h,1d9dh,3755h,f18ah,0008h,002ah,f6cdh,f6cdh,0003h,4adeh,0000h,4638h,0000h,4000h,0000h,7d00h,1420h,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,ffffh,2084h,0000h,0000h,f162h,3fe4h,5406h,011dh,c180h,0028h,2910h,c494h,39b9h,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cc_time: 8344
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: calc_ttf: cap: 4150, soc: 553, T: 8354, avg: 721, cv soc: 1000, i: 83, val: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_calc_time_to_full: T: 8414 sec, passed time: 214, current: 800
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_set_wdtmr_kick: WDT Kick
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: reg_data(0x3)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: details00(0xe0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_vbus_state: VBUS is valid. CHGIN < CHGIN_OVLO
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_charging_health: vbus_state: 0x3, chg_dtls: 0x1, iin: 786mA, vbyp: 4611mV, health: 1, abnormal: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: swelling highblock(420), highrecov(400)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_get_float_voltage: battery cv reg : 0x16, float voltage val : 4380
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_swelling_check: status(1), swell_mode(0:0:0), cv(4380)mV, temp(292)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_fullcharged_check: Charging Mode : Normal
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_set_current_event: current event before(0x8000), after(0x8000)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : EXPIRED_TIME(10744220), IP(4000000), CP(13797000), CURR(821), STANDARD(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : CAL_EXPIRED_TIME(41223255) TIME NOW(248) TIME PREV(217)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_calculate_safety_time : REMAIN_TIME(10736140) CAL_REMAIN_TIME(41192255)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_mix_temp: mix_limit(0), temp(292), chg_temp(310), input_current(800)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_charging_current_by_siop: incurr(800), chgcurr(3150)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_step: st1(380), st2(900), recv_st1(370), recv_st2(380), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: force_check(1), ret(50), lcd(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_check_lrp_temp: cable_type(4), lrp_step(0), lrp(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705 : [0xb1]0x3a, [0xb2]0xdf, [0xb3]0xe0, [0xb4]0x31, [0xb5]0x00, [0xb6]0xff, [0xb7]0x15, [0xb8]0x38, [0xb9]0x7f, [0xba]0x9f, [0xbb]0x16, [0xbc]0x6f, [0xbd]0xec, [0xbe]0x34, [0xbf]0x02, [0xc0]0x9f, [0xc1]0x10, [0xc2]0x00, [0xc3]0x68,
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_chg_monitor_work: [CHG] MODE(0x5), B2SOVRC(0xf), otg_on(0)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_monitor_work: Status(Charging), mode(Normal), Health(Good), Cable(USB, USB, 1, 0), rp(3), level(100%), lcd(0), slate_mode(0), store_mode(0), charging_enabled(1), HV(NONE, 0), sleep_mode(0), Cycle(-1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec-battery battery: sec_bat_set_polling: Polling time 10/30 sec.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=729mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=729mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=721mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: debug_work_func(0) - Sensor state: 0x3feff, RC: 0(0, 0, 0), CC: 0, TC: 0 NSC: 0 EC: 0 GPS: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_load_fw_kernel: request_firmware fail.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_fw_check: fw was not loaded yet from ueventd
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_firmware_work_func: failed to load firmware (4)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio u 22 659 0 0 rnd0 446 8 0 1327 6 0 > 02-18 17:25:16.798669
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [GRIP] a96t3x6_firmware_work_func: called
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: A96T3X6 14-0020: Direct firmware load for a96t365_z3s_eur.bin failed with error -2
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: A96T3X6 14-0020: Falling back to syfs fallback for: a96t365_z3s_eur.bin
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: netio u 3 9 0 0 rnd0 315 6 0 339 3 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: F2FS-fs (sda32): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost preinit: (252.18) Welcome to Sailfish OS (Sauna)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [Exynos][WDT][ INFO]: TEMP: disable wdt keepalive
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [Exynos][WDT][ INFO]: Watchdog cluster 0 stop done, WTCON = 15c00
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [Exynos][WDT][ INFO]: s3c2410wdt_multistage_wdt_start: count=0x0000b32b, wtcon=00115c3c
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [Exynos][WDT][ INFO]: Watchdog cluster 0 start, WTCON = 115c39
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: secdbg_wdd_set_start: wdd_info->init_done: false
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [Exynos][WDT][ INFO]: Watchdog cluster 1 keepalive!, wtcnt = b32b
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19-rtc s2mps19-rtc: s2m_rtc_read_time: 2025-02-18 17:25:19(0x04)PM
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [Exynos][WDT][ INFO]: Watchdog cluster 0 keepalive!, wtcnt = fff5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19-rtc s2mps19-rtc: s2m_rtc_read_time: 2025-02-18 17:25:19(0x04)PM
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: secdbg_wdd_set_keepalive: wdd_info: 0x000000008d01e36a
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Watchdog: secdbg_wdd_set_keepalive RTC 2025-02-18 17:25:19 UTC
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: watchdog: watchdog0: nowayout prevents watchdog being stopped!
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: watchdog: watchdog0: watchdog did not stop!
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [Exynos][WDT][ INFO]: Watchdog cluster 1 keepalive!, wtcnt = b32b
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19-rtc s2mps19-rtc: s2m_rtc_read_time: 2025-02-18 17:25:19(0x04)PM
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [Exynos][WDT][ INFO]: Watchdog cluster 0 keepalive!, wtcnt = fff5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19-rtc s2mps19-rtc: s2m_rtc_read_time: 2025-02-18 17:25:19(0x04)PM
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: secdbg_wdd_set_keepalive: wdd_info: 0x000000008d01e36a
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: Watchdog: secdbg_wdd_set_keepalive RTC 2025-02-18 17:25:19 UTC
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost preinit: (252.19) "Magic Close" /dev/watchdog with character 'V'
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19-rtc s2mps19-rtc: s2m_rtc_read_time: 2025-02-18 17:25:19(0x04)PM
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19-rtc s2mps19-rtc: s2m_rtc_read_time: 2025-02-18 17:25:19(0x04)PM
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19-rtc s2mps19-rtc: s2m_rtc_read_time: 2025-02-18 17:25:19(0x04)PM
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19-rtc s2mps19-rtc: s2m_rtc_set_alarm: 2025-02-18 17:25:20(0x04)PM
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19_irq_thread: interrupt source(0x01)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19_irq_thread: pmic interrupt(0x03, 0x55, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19-rtc s2mps19-rtc: s2m_rtc_alarm_irq:irq(360)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19-rtc s2mps19-rtc: s2m_rtc_read_time: 2025-02-18 17:25:20(0x04)PM
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19-rtc s2mps19-rtc: s2m_rtc_read_time: 2025-02-18 17:25:20(0x04)PM
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19-rtc s2mps19-rtc: s2m_rtc_set_alarm: 2025-02-18 17:25:21(0x04)PM
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: s2mps19-rtc s2mps19-rtc: s2m_rtc_read_time: 2025-02-18 17:25:20(0x04)PM
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost preinit: (252.61) set_system_time: : 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost preinit: (252.62) is_erase_needed: No : 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost preinit: (252.63) late.d/rich-core-preinit: : 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost preinit: (252.63) get_bootstate: USER : 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost preinit: (252.63) BOOTSTATE = USER
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost preinit: (252.63) Booting to default.target
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: systemd 238 running in system mode. (+PAM +AUDIT +SELINUX +IMA -APPARMOR -SMACK -SYSVINIT +UTMP +LIBCRYPTSETUP +GCRYPT -GNUTLS +ACL +XZ -LZ4 -SECCOMP +BLKID -ELFUTILS +KMOD -IDN2 -IDN +PCRE2 default-hierarchy=hybrid)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Detected architecture arm64.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: No hostname configured.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Set hostname to <localhost>.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: CFG80211-INFO2) wl_cfg80211_netdev_notifier_call : wdev null. Do nothing
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: CFG80211-INFO2) wl_cfg80211_netdev_notifier_call : wdev null. Do nothing
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: ufshcd_ioctl: Illegal ufs-IOCTL cmd -2144861675
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on Journal Socket.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Started Dispatch Password Requests to Console Directory Watch.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on /dev/initctl Compatibility Named Pipe.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on Journal Socket (/dev/log).
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Simple yamui splash screen for SailfishOS...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Remount Root and Kernel File Systems...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Started Forward Password Requests to Wall Directory Watch.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target Login Prompts.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on Journal Audit Socket.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Journal Service...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting Kernel Debug File System...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target Swap.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting Droid mount for /dev/binderfs...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target Local Encrypted Volumes.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Setup dynamic partitions...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target Remote Encrypted Volumes.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Create Static Device Nodes in /dev...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Created slice User and Session Slice.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target Slices.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on udev Control Socket.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Listening on udev Kernel Socket.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Starting udev Coldplug all Devices...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Mounted Kernel Debug File System.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: dev-binderfs.mount: Mount process exited, code=exited status=32
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: dev-binderfs.mount: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to mount Droid mount for /dev/binderfs.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: F2FS-fs (sda32): re-mounted. Opts: (null)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Started Create Static Device Nodes in /dev.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: audit: type=1130 audit(1739899520.183:2): pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=kernel msg='unit=systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [STUI] stui_notifier_callback is not state TUI
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP] copr_fb_notifier_callback: early_blank = 1, fb_blank = 4
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSPBBD]: ssp_down == true. returning
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: ssp_send_cmd - command 0xd2 failed -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: dsim-0 dsim_disable +
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_core_ioctl: PANEL_IOC_SLEEP_IN
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-copr:I:copr_disable: +
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-copr:I:copr_disable: -
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-mdnie:I:mdnie_disable: done
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_set_gpio_irq: disable_irq disp-det
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:W:__panel_seq_exit: do not support irq
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Started Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_err_fg: ========== SHOW PANEL [EEh:ERR_FG] INFO ==========
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_err_fg: * Reg Value : 0x00, Result : GOOD
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_err_fg: ==================================================
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_dsi_err: ========== SHOW PANEL [05h:DSIE_CNT] INFO ==========
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_dsi_err: * Reg Value : 0x00, Result : GOOD
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_dsi_err: ====================================================
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_self_diag: ========== SHOW PANEL [0Fh:SELF_DIAG] INFO ==========
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_self_diag: * Reg Value : 0xc0, Result : GOOD
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_self_diag: =====================================================
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-mafpc:I:mafpc_core_ioctl: V4L2_IOCTL_MAFPC_GET_EXIT
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_sleep_in: panel_state:NORMAL -> ON
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_core_ioctl: PANEL_IOC_SET_POWER
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_regulator_disable: disable regulator(2:vdd1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_regulator_disable: disable regulator(1:vdd2)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_regulator_disable: disable regulator(0:vdd5)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:__set_panel_power: power(off) gpio_reset(low)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-self:I:aod_power_off: was called
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_power_off: panel_state:ON -> OFF
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: dsim-0 dsim_disable - (state:ON -> OFF)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-decon 19050000.decon_f: pm_relax
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP] copr_fb_notifier_callback: early_blank = 0, fb_blank = 4
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [ACPM_FW] : 252966510655 id:0, RCODVREQ, 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [STUI] stui_notifier_callback is not state TUI
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP] copr_fb_notifier_callback: early_blank = 1, fb_blank = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-decon 19050000.decon_f: pm_stay_awake
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [ACPM_FW] : 252966948001 id:0, RCODVREQ, 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: dsim-0 dsim_enable +
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_core_ioctl: PANEL_IOC_SET_POWER
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_regulator_set_short_detection: set regulator(elvss) SSD:2000uA, state:1 enable:true
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_regulator_enable: enable regulator(0:vdd5)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Started Setup dynamic partitions.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: audit: type=1130 audit(1739899520.343:3): pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=kernel msg='unit=systemd-remount-fs comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_regulator_enable: enable regulator(1:vdd2)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_regulator_enable: enable regulator(2:vdd1)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=-367mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=692mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=-367mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=692mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:__set_panel_power: power(on) gpio_reset(high)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_send_ubconn_notify: call EVENT_UB_CON notifier 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_power_on: panel_state:OFF -> ON
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_core_ioctl: PANEL_IOC_SLEEP_OUT
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_sleep_out: ub connected
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:getidx_resolution_table: mres_mode 0 (1440x3200)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_ts 7-0048: [sec_input]sec_ts_read_event: STATUS 1d 3 4 1 0 0 0 1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_ts 7-0048: [sec_input]sec_ts_read_event: STATUS 1d 3 1 2 0 2 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: dsim_sr_write_data : size : 865080 align: 12
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_bat_get_property cable type = 4 sleep_mode = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=-367mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=692mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_current: current=-367mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: max77705_fg_read_avg_current: avg_current=692mA
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_do_timer_delay: elapsed time : 129970
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_do_timer_delay: timer_elapsed 129970 usec, usleep 30 usec
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:getidx_resolution_table: mres_mode 0 (1440x3200)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:getidx_resolution_table: mres_mode 0 (1440x3200)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:getidx_resolution_table: mres_mode 0 (1440x3200)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:getidx_96_5_dyn_default_ffc_table: osc:0, vrr_fps:60, vrr_mode:0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:getidx_96_5_dyn_default_ffc_table: ffc idx: 5, ddi_osc: 0, row: 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:getidx_ddi_osc_comp_table: osc:0, fps:60, vrr_mode:0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:getidx_ddi_osc_comp_table: ddi_osc: 0, row: 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:getidx_ddi_osc2_comp_table: osc:0, fps:60, vrr_mode:0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:getidx_ddi_osc2_comp_table: ffc idx:5, ddi_osc:0, row:0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-mafpc:I:mafpc_core_ioctl: V4L2_IOCTL_MAFPC_GET_INIT
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:__panel_seq_init: Time for Panel Init : 156714
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:__panel_seq_init: check disp det .. success 156730
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-self:I:aod_init_panel: was called
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-mafpc:I:mafpc_core_ioctl: V4L2_IOCTL_MAFPC_UDPATE_REQ
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_sleep_out: panel_state:ON -> NORMAL
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: dsim-0 dsim_enable - (state:OFF -> ON)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP] copr_fb_notifier_callback: early_blank = 0, fb_blank = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSPBBD]: ssp_down == true. returning
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd-journald[1451]: Journal started
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd-journald[1451]: Runtime journal (/run/log/journal/656c783e7e434e79872ef70daa2a8812) is 1.5M, max 1.0M, 0B free.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost audit[1]: SERVICE_START pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=kernel msg='unit=systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost audit[1]: SERVICE_START pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=kernel msg='unit=systemd-remount-fs comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost mount[1453]: mount: /dev/binderfs: unknown filesystem type 'binder'.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost mount[1453]: dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost yamui[1457]: fb0 reports (possibly inaccurate):
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost yamui[1457]: vi.bits_per_pixel = 32
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost yamui[1457]: vi.colorspace = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost yamui[1457]: vi.grayscale = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost yamui[1457]: vi.nonstd = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost yamui[1457]: fi.type = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost yamui[1457]: fi.capabilities = 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost yamui[1457]: vi.red.offset = 16 .length = 8
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost yamui[1457]: vi.green.offset = 8 .length = 8
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost yamui[1457]: vi.blue.offset = 0 .length = 8
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost yamui[1457]: vi.alpha.offset = 24 .length = 8
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost yamui[1457]: framebuffer: 9 (1440 x 3200)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost audit[1]: SERVICE_START pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=kernel msg='unit=dmsetup comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: [SSP]: ssp_send_cmd - command 0xd1 failed -1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-brt:I:panel_bl_set_brightness: bl-0 dim:flash plat_br:12800 br[384]:12800 nit:183(183.00) acl:on(5)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:copy_mafpc_scale_maptbl: idx: 53, ff:ff:ff
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-mdnie:E:panel_mdnie_update: mdnie is off state
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Started Journal Service.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: audit: type=1130 audit(1739899520.530:4): pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=kernel msg='unit=dmsetup comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost audit[1]: SERVICE_START pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=kernel msg='unit=systemd-journald comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: audit: type=1130 audit(1739899520.540:5): pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=kernel msg='unit=systemd-journald comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: sec_ts 7-0048: [sec_input]sec_ts_read_event: STATUS 1d 3 2 2 0 2 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_core_ioctl: FRAME_DONE (panel_state:NORMAL, display on)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-mdnie:I:panel_set_mdnie: do mdnie-seq (mode:scenario)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-mdnie:I:mdnie_enable: done 1
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:__panel_seq_display_on: PANEL_DISPLAY_ON_SEQ
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:copy_mafpc_scale_maptbl: idx: 53, ff:ff:ff
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-copr:I:copr_enable: +
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-copr:I:copr_enable: -
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_set_gpio_irq: enable_irq disp-det
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:panel_condition_handler: after normal disp on
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_rddpm: ========== SHOW PANEL [0Ah:RDDPM] INFO ==========
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_rddpm: * Reg Value : 0x9d, Result : GOOD
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_rddpm: * Bootster Mode : ON (GD)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_rddpm: * Idle Mode : OFF (GD)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_rddpm: * Partial Mode : OFF
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_rddpm: * Sleep Mode : OUT (GD)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_rddpm: * Normal Mode : OK (GD)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_rddpm: * Display ON : ON (GD)
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_rddpm: =================================================
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_mafpc_log: ========== SHOW PANEL [87h:MAFPC_EN] INFO ==========
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_mafpc_log: * Reg Value : 0x00, Result : OFF
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_mafpc_log: ====================================================
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_mafpc_flash_log: ======= SHOW PANEL [FEh(0x09):MAFPC_FLASH] INFO =======
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_mafpc_flash_log: * Reg Value : 0x10, Result : POC
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_mafpc_flash_log: ====================================================
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_self_mask_crc: ======= SHOW PANEL [7Fh:SELF_MASK_CRC] INFO =======
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_self_mask_crc: * Reg Value : 0xdb, 0x8b, 0xb2, 0x89
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-ddi:I:show_self_mask_crc: ====================================================
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: panel-drv:I:show_copr_value: copr(frame_cnt=1) -> cur:0 avg:511 roi:0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Rebuild Hardware Database...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Starting Load/Save Random Seed...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Reached target Local File Systems (Pre).
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting Droid mount for /data_mirror/misc_ce/null...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: linkerconfig.mount: Directory /linkerconfig to mount over is not empty, mounting anyway.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting Droid mount for /linkerconfig...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting Droid mount for /data_mirror/misc_de/null...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting /tmp...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting Droid mount for /odm...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Mounting Droid mount for /data_mirror/ref_profiles...
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: audit: type=1130 audit(1739899520.586:6): pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=kernel msg='unit=systemd-random-seed comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: exynos-ufs 13100000.ufs: Invalid bio:00000000858131f5
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost audit[1]: SERVICE_START pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=kernel msg='unit=systemd-random-seed comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost mount[1496]: mount: /odm: /odm is not a block device.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost mount[1496]: dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Started Load/Save Random Seed.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Mounted Droid mount for /data_mirror/misc_ce/null.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Mounted Droid mount for /linkerconfig.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Started udev Coldplug all Devices.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost audit[1]: SERVICE_START pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=kernel msg='unit=systemd-udev-trigger comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost kernel: audit: type=1130 audit(1739899520.606:7): pid=1 uid=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=kernel msg='unit=systemd-udev-trigger comm="systemd" exe="/usr/lib/systemd/systemd" hostname=? addr=? terminal=? res=success'
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Mounted Droid mount for /data_mirror/misc_de/null.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Mounted /tmp.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: odm.mount: Mount process exited, code=exited status=32
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: odm.mount: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Failed to mount Droid mount for /odm.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd[1]: Mounted Droid mount for /data_mirror/ref_profiles.
Feb 18 17:25:20 localhost systemd-journald[1451]: Time spent on flushing to /var is 21.952ms for 2092 entries.
~ #